
Angola Visa Validit: What the Visa Expiration Date?

A tourist visa must be used within 60 days from the issue date and is valid for 30 days, a period that can be extended once for an additional period of 30 days. Passports must have a validity of 6 or 9 months and at least 2 blank pages. Transit without visa is allowed for passengers continuing their trip to a third country by the same or first departing plane if they do not leave the airport.

Angola Visa for Foreign Workers Information

Foreign workers in Angola must arrive with a work visa and must keep the visa current. Doing otherwise risks fines and arrest.

Angola Visa Transportation From Airport

Arrange reliable and secure ground transportation from the airport in advance.

Angola Visa Currency Regulations For Visa Application

Currency Regulations: Any amount over $10,000 must be declared upon entry. Non-residents can leave with the equivalent of $5,000 in foreign currency and residents with $1,000. Non-residents and residents may also take out 50,000 kwanzas ($300). Expect to be searched at the airport and any amount over those limits to be confiscated.

Angola Borders Information

Angola visa for borders information, officially the Republic of Angola, is a west-coast country of south-central Africa. It is the seventh-largest country in Africa, bordered by Namibia to the south, the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the north, Zambia to the east, and the Atlantic Ocean to the west. Angola has an exclave province, the province of Cabinda that borders the Republic of the Congo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The capital and largest city of Angola is Luanda.

Angola Port of Entry

After the pre-visa is granted, travellers can then obtain a visa on arrival at the following designated ports of entry.

After the pre-visa is granted, travellers can then obtain a visa on arrival at the following designated ports of entry.

Upon arrival in Angola, you will have to present your passport along with your printed e-Visa and all the other documents that were part of the application.

Exiting with a vehicle

  • Get yourself stamped out at Immigration.
  • Get your Carnet de Passage stamped out if you have one.

All should be free, do not pay for this.

The Portuguese name "Quatro de Fevereiro" refers to the date that an armed struggle began against colonial rule that led to the country's independence.

Angola Overland Vehicle insurance requirements

Insurance does not seem to be required, Police never seem to ask for it for people just transiting through, though you might want to have something to show anyone looking for a bribe.

Driving license: license from your home country will be accepted.

Angola Overland Mandatory items in vehicle

You probably need two safety triangles, first aid kit, and fire extinguisher. It's a good idea to have them to avoid bribery.

Angola Overland Road quality: Roads vary greatly in Angola. There are many, many new highways that rival those anywhere in the world. There are also lots of old broken-up roads with massive potholes and make for some very slow going. In the Namib desert in the South the sandy tracks are extremely primitive.

Angola Overland Road signs:

Road signs do exist and usually show the distances to the next few upcoming towns. These are improving quickly.

Angola OverlandAngola Overland Checkpoints: There are checkpoints and random stops where Police, Military and Customs will check your paperwork. Don't pay at any of these. Stay friendly and polite. Never use your mobile phone or camera at check points.

Traveling with pets: No issues crossing with dog from Namibia to Angola. Only document requested was proof of vaccinations. There may be official import forms but unknown and never asked for.

Angola Overland Driving at night

Driving at night is not recommended due to the risk of violence or bandits. There can also be armed robbery on the roads in remote places and some even place bogus road blocks. Also watch out for cars without lights, animals, people and everything else you can imagine on the roads.

Stay safe!

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